
OpenNMS Workshop Jersey UK 26 September 2014

cgallen : September 18, 2014 11:07 am : news
Title: Introduction to OpenNMS We will be running an Introduction to OpenNMS at the Jersey Digital hub in St Helier on 26th September. This includes a free snack lunch for those who register. Alternatively just turn up. Time 26th September 2014 at 12.10 (Lunch) Finish by 13.30 Location Block 3, The Forum, Grenville Street, St more »

OpenNMS Summer 2014 Workshops Report

cgallen : July 10, 2014 10:35 am : news
At the beginning of the Summer of 2014 we ran a series of OpenNMS workshops in London, Birmingham, Rochdale, Dublin and Glasgow. Thanks first of all to all who attended and to Zen Internet and Airspeed Telecom Ireland who provided venues in Rochdale and Dublin. All of the presentation material and example configurations are now more »

OpenNMS Security Release 1.10, 1.12, 1.13

cgallen : June 12, 2014 10:25 am : news
You are strongly advised to update your OpenNMS installation to its latest point release The OpenNMS Project have released a security release for both the production (1.12) and development (1.13) branches of OpenNMS, and considering the impact, the deprecated 1.10 branch as well. This release fixes a bug that could expose arbitrary filesystem data to more »

OpenNMS 2014 UK Summer Workshops

cgallen : May 19, 2014 6:52 pm : news
Hot on the heels of this years North American OpenNMS developers conference, we will be running a series of UK workshops to share the buzz around OpenNMS with the local UK user community. Don’t just expect to be lectured to. This will be a participative event. These workshops will stretch your understanding  of Operational Support more »

OpenNMS 2014 Developers Conference

cgallen : May 19, 2014 6:49 pm : news
What The eighth annual OpenNMS Developers’ Conference, Dev Jam 2014, will be held at the University of Minnesota. The Annual OpenNMS developers conference is a great opportunity for the key OpenNMS developers to get together and plan new projects. It is also a great opportunity for anyone who wants to contribute to the project to more »
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