Author Archives: cgallen

OpenNMS for Government IT at SOCTIM 2014

Marketing OpenNMS to Government:- 

Traditionally Open Source projects don’t have much of a marketing budget and tend to rely on world of mouth or technical conferences to promote the value of the product. This has served OpenNMS well in the past but we are coming to think that the reason many technically inferior closed source products do so well is because of their ability to market to decision makers in the ICT sector. With this in mind we have been putting a lot more effort into getting the message out about OpenNMS this year through workshops, attendance at shows and direct marketing. Of course the problem is, as John Wanamaker is quoted as saying “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”

One of the most difficult areas to crack is Government which is naturally risk averse and in the present climate finds it difficult to budget for new innovations. However, we decided this year to reach out directly through SOCTIM the trade association which represents the ICT managers in the UK Government . They run an annual trade show and this year we teamed up with Shadowcat Ltd to rent a stand.

soctim2014-10-22 14.27.07 Our Enthusiastic OpenNMS reps on Day 2

 soctim2014-10-21 11.42.12Our Enthusiastic OpenNMS reps on Day 1(Ian Norton and Craig Gallen)

What is SOCTIM ?

SOCTIM is the professional body for people involved in the leadership and management of IT and digitally enabled services delivered for public benefit. Each year SOCTIM organises a conference for IT professionals in the UK public sector. Drawing on contributions from leading politicians, industry experts and local practitioners, Socitm 2014 provided an exciting opportunity for ICT professionals from across the public sector to take on the challenge of designing and articulating the value of a deeper digital presence.


How useful was the Show?

We wanted to give as wide a view as possible of the potential for OpenNMS because for people who have never used a network management solution, we have to spark the imagination and show them what is possible. We demonstrated the key new features of OpenNMS V 1.14 but we also demonstrated how OpenNMS can be used to build solutions such as the Open Alert App we prototyped at Jersey Digital Hub .

In addition we showed how services can be built using OpenNMS. Shadowcat have built a subscription management offering on top of OpenNMS called ShadowNMS which uses OpenNMS as the core engine but provides a much simpler user experience for subscribers who want to manage a small number of servers or sites using a cloud solution. (We will review this separately in another blog) .

We did attract a lot of interest but it was obvious that the usual Fear Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) with respect to Open Source still appeared to pervade the community. We got the usual scepticism about ‘free software’ which usually began to a bait once we told the OpenNMS story.  There is a general unwillingness to engage with open source in government because of the perceived risk and because many don’t understand the Open Source business model. At one session, a local council was promoting a suit of finance software they had written with a view to selling it  as a COTS solution to other local authorities. I asked the obvious question, ‘why didn’t you open source the solution for other authorities’?  but the response indicated that they felt this would be poor use of taxpayers money.  It appears to me that if the objective was to reduce the cost to the local councils for maintaining a suit of software, the open source solution would be much better use of tax payers money than trying to commercialise the IPR in a limited market. Cest la Vie…

Cost effective Innovation also featured highly in the conference agenda. However not much thought was given to how agile development is actually done and the value of open source development techniques in the process of innovation.I think thet the Open Source community has a lot to contribute here if we can find champions to actively promote the cause in Government. So even before we get to explaining the value of OpenNMS there is a lot of work to do to help Government wake up to understand how to organise themselves so as to exploit open source solutions effectively. We hope to be using the SOCTIM channel going forwards to encourage this debate.


About Shadowcat


Shadowcat Systems is an open source software developer and software consultancy provider based in the UK but accustomed to operating worldwide via electronic communications and distributed development environments. They offer proven expertise in development of networked systems and reliably automating manual processes from business workflow to systems and network management.

Shadowcat have the experience to deliver fully integrated open source solutions which are managed by OpenNMS.

Contact Shadowcat

128 The Barracks White Cross South Road Lancaster LA1 4XQ

+44 (0)1524 842155

E-mail addresses


About OpenNMS UK


Entimoss Ltd (OpenNMS UK) is a full partner with OpenNMS Group Inc

They act as evangelists for the OpenNMS project and represent the community into technical communities such as the Telemanamgent Forum and the UK Network Operators Forum

They sell consulting, support and custom development services for users of the OpenNMS platform in the UK and Ireland.


Contact OpenNMS UK

Dr. Craig Gallen

entimOSS Ltd (OpenNMS UK)

6 Burnett Close, Bitterne Park, Southampton, SO181JD

+44 7789 938012 (m)

Skype: craig.gallen


Company registered in England and Wales No. 06402040

VAT Registration No. 140 6387 23

OpenNMS In Ireland

We will be putting a lot more effort into building the profile of OpenNMS in Ireland. If you are a potential user of the project, please get in touch with OpenNMS UK we would love to visit with you.

Ireland has a very vibrant IT community and is a significant host to major European data centre operations including Google, MySpace, Yahoo and Amazon AWS. In September Craig Gallen attended the UK Network Operations forum UKNOF29 & Internet Society ION Conference conference in Belfast which was also attended by a significant number of Irish representatives. This showed the potential opportunity for OpenNMS in the Irish community.


OpenNMS has recently been putting a lot of effort into raising the profile of the project in Ireland. We already have a number of very supportive users especially Airspeed Telecom who sponsored an OpenNMS workshop in Dublin in October. Peter Hendrick the Technical Director of AirSpeed Telecom spoke about his company’s experiences with OpenNMS and Tarus Balog and David Hustace from OpenNMS gave an update on the status of the project.

AirspeedWorkshopDublinTarusAirspeedPeterAirspeedAttendees at Dublin OpenNMS WorkshopTarus BalogPeter Hendrick   

We Won – Jersey Hackathon 2014 !!!




We Won the Digital Jersey Hackathon.

On 26th September 2014 Craig Gallen and Mark Wharton joined forty developers huddled over their screens for 48 hours at the Jersey Digital Hub for the first ever Jersey Hackathon.

Much to our surprise, we won the prize for the best App; Open Alert, a tool for on site workers based upon OpenNMS.

Open Alert a Man on Site Application

The Open Alert ‘Man on Site’ App combined with OpenNMS provides a simple service to check on the health and safety of people working alone on site. This could be a useful feature where OpenNMS is used by a Service Provider to manage a distributed network and there are often travelling workers working alone on remote sites. In these cases it is usual for the work to report in to the Network Operations Center (NOC) on a regular basis that they are OK. Having their status automatically tracked and escalated alongside other network issues could really help.

The basic application could have other uses though to report the status of other lone workers such as health visitors or security guards etc. In this case, OpenNMS would simply be being used as a platform to give a display of the workers location on site and their status. (It wouldn’t be managing a network).

Further more the basic service could be extended to gather statistics from the Android app other than just it’s location. This would provide the basic framework to collect metrics from a device as it travels around.

More Details

For more details and to see the code go to




OpenNMS Workshop Dublin (Airspeed Telecom) 8th October 2014

OpenNMS Workshop

Thursday 11 September, 2014

Wednesday October 8th, The Morrisson Hotel, Ormond Quay, Dublin

Long term users of OpenNMS, Airspeed Telecom are sponsoring an OpenNMS workshop this October. If you’re new to OpenNMS, learn about its capabilities.  If you’re already an OpenNMS user then look at new developments and new ways of using your system.

The workshop will be delivered by

Tarus Balog, CEO OpenNMS Group,

David Hustace, President of OpenNMS Group and

Craig Gallen, Director OpenNMS UK.

With a special contribution by Peter Hendrick, Technical Director, Airspeed Telecom





OpenNMS Workshop: An update on how this free and open-source software is shaping cross-platform solutions for business.Abstract: A meeting for business decision makers as well as users who want to

understand the benefits of the Open Source management platformhear specific examples of how it is being utilised in other companies andget the latest update on developments on the platform


13:45 Coffee 14:00 Welcome14:05 The OpenNMS Story – background, overview, benefits of OpenNMS – Tarus Balog, CEO OpenNMS Group14:50 AirSpeed Experience of OpenNMS – Peter Hendrick, Technical Director, AirSpeed Telecom15:15 Break15:25 Latest Use Cases, developments and roadmap – Craig Gallen, Director OpenNMS UK and David Hustace, President OpenNMS Group16:25 Wrap up

If you are interested in attending please email Liz at


OpenNMS Stand at SOCTIM 21-22 Oct 2014

The show is now over but your can see a report at the blog post  OpenNMS for Government IT at SOCTIM 2014

This year OpenNMS UK is partnering with Shadowcat Systems to host an OpenNMS stand at SOCTIM

Come along to see OpenNMS demos and see if this unique open source network management solution could meet the needs of your organisation


SOCTIM is the professional body for people involved in the leadership and management of IT and digitally enabled services delivered for public benefit. Each year SOCTIM organises a conference for IT professionals in the UK public sector. 

Drawing on contributions from leading politicians, industry experts and local practitioners, Socitm 2014 will provide an exciting opportunity for ICT professionals from across the public sector to take on the challenge of designing and articulating the value of a deeper digital presence.


21-22 October 2014Old Trafford Stadium Sir Matt Busby Way Manchester M16 0RA

About Shadowcat


Shadowcat Systems is an open source software developer and software consultancy provider based in the UK but accustomed to operating worldwide via electronic communications and distributed development environments. They offer proven expertise in development of networked systems and reliably automating manual processes from business workflow to systems and network management.

Shadowcat have the experience to deliver fully integrated open source solutions which are managed by OpenNMS.

Contact Shadowcat

128 The Barracks White Cross South Road Lancaster LA1 4XQ

+44 (0)1524 842155

E-mail addresses

About OpenNMS UK


Entimoss Ltd (OpenNMS UK) is a full partner with OpenNMS Group Inc 

They act as evangelists for the OpenNMS project and represent the community into technical communities such as the Telemanamgent Forum and the UK Network Operators Forum

They sell consulting, support and custom development services for users of the OpenNMS platform in the UK and Ireland.


Contact OpenNMS UK

Dr. Craig Gallen entimOSS Ltd (OpenNMS UK)6 Burnett Close Bitterne Park Southampton SO181JD +44 7789 938012 (m) Skype: craig.gallen email    registered in England and Wales No. 06402040VAT Registration No. 140 6387 23


OpenNMS Workshop Jersey UK 26 September 2014

Eventbrite - OpenNMS Introduction - Jersey Digital Hub

Title: Introduction to OpenNMS

We will be running an Introduction to OpenNMS at the Jersey Digital hub in St Helier on 26th September.
This includes a free snack lunch for those who register. Alternatively just turn up.


26th September 2014 at 12.10 (Lunch) Finish by 13.30


Block 3,
The Forum,
Grenville Street,
St Helier,
Tel: 01534 789 333

Target Audience

CIO’s / Data Centre managers
Telecoms or IT network managers
Sys Admins or anyone interested in managing IT/Datacoms infrastructure
We will also be attending the Jersey Hackathon over the weekend. For more details please contact


OpenNMS ( is an advanced service and network management platform with over 10 years of development entirely as an Open Source project written in Java. It is used by organisations around the world to manage large and small networks and also to manage application infrastructures. In the UK its users include BT, Zen Internet, TMX Atrium,
Loughborough University and Arqiva. The platform is also embedded by vendors such as Juniper Networks who have embed it in Junos Space.

In this talk Craig will give an overview and demo of the latest key features of OpenNMS and explain how it can be used to significantly improve your IT Service Assurance no matter what the size of your organisation. He will cover the future roadmap and explain how OpennMS is increasingly raising the bar against considerably more expensive closed source solutions.


Dr Craig Gallen has worked for many years in the field of Network Management and was a product manager for Nortel Networks. His doctoral research into the use of open source network management solutions in service providers lead him to become a committer to the OpenNMS project. He now evangelises for the OpenNMS project and provides OpenNMS consultancy through his own company entimOSS Limited which is the UK partner of the OpenNMS group in the USA. For more information please see

OpenNMS Summer 2014 Workshops Report

At the beginning of the Summer of 2014 we ran a series of OpenNMS workshops in London, Birmingham, Rochdale, Dublin and Glasgow. Thanks first of all to all who attended and to Zen Internet and Airspeed Telecom Ireland who provided venues in Rochdale and Dublin.

ZenLogo AirspeedLogo

All of the presentation material and example configurations are now available on-line under each presenters name on our WIKI at Summer 2014 Workshops

The workshops were aimed at a wide audience, from complete beginners to advanced users of OpenNMS.  The introductory material included

  • A Business level introduction to OpenNMS (Craig Gallen): a broad introduction to the business benefits of OpenNMS
  • A 3 Tier Cloud Service Worked Example (Craig Gallen) : A worked example managing a cloud service using ITIL principles.
    (A video of this presentation is available at OpenNMS and ITIL – a worked example)
  • OpenNMS Basic Concepts (Markus Neumann): gives and introduction to the fundamental terms and concepts used in OpenNMS

More advanced material included a number of presentations from Markus Neumann to help with various aspects of using OpenNMS including

  • Category driven Thresholding: looks at how you can use categories to better target thresholds on devices
  • OpenNMS Cookbook: is a mix of examples and tips
  • Bridging The Provisioning Gap: introduces the Provisioning Integration Server
  • How To Contribute To OpenNMS: is a guide for confributing to the project

Last but not least, Jonathan Sartin has provided some material on his experiences of integrating OTRS into OpenNMS.

A big thanks once again to all who attended. We hope to run more workshops in the coming year and would appreciate any feedback as to topics to address.

OpenNMS and ITIL – a worked example


People sometimes ask us ‘Is OpenNMS ITIL compliant’, which is a strange question since it is your organisational processes which conform to ITIL, not your operational support systems. So it is more about how your use your systems than about the systems themselves. Recently we held OpenNMS workshops around the UK and Ireland and one of the presentations started to look at this question with a worked example of introducing a new service. To be honest, this example only scratched the surface but it does give you some pointers where to start. In this example I have taken a 3 tier WordPress cloud installation and started to think through how to manage it using OpenNMS . I hope to expand this example going forwards to begin pulling in other OpenNMS features to address other aspects of ITIL.

The presentation also illustrates how to monitor Varnish Cache using both SNMP and the XML data collector

The presentation video is available below and the example configurations and other material from the workshops are available in the workshop page in our public wiki here

OpenNMS Security Release 1.10, 1.12, 1.13

You are strongly advised to update your OpenNMS installation to its latest point release

The OpenNMS Project have released a security release for both the production (1.12) and development (1.13) branches of OpenNMS, and considering the impact, the deprecated 1.10 branch as well.

This release fixes a bug that could expose arbitrary filesystem data to logged-in users through the Web UI.

For details on the issue, see:

Note that this only exploitable by users who can log into OpenNMS via the webUI. For some of you this is limited and of little concern, but for others, especially those with LDAP integration, the problem could be larger. In any case, upgrading is strongly recommended. If you are already on the latest version of your particular branch, the new version should be an easy install with no configuration file changes.

Also, a reminder: as of OpenNMS 1.12.7 and 1.13.2, the way OpenNMS starts Jetty has changed, so if you have configured OpenNMS to use AJP,or used other esoteric tweaks to the Jetty configuration in, you will need to adapt them to jetty.xml instead. For details, see:

Tarus Balog

OpenNMS 2014 UK Summer Workshops

Hot on the heels of this years North American OpenNMS developers conference, we will be running a series of UK workshops to share the buzz around OpenNMS with the local UK user community. Don’t just expect to be lectured to. This will be a participative event. These workshops will stretch your understanding  of Operational Support Systems and help you to begin thinking through how you can adapt OpenNMS to address some of the key problems in Network and Service Management.

Same Workshop – Five locations

The same workshop will run at four locations around the UK and in Dublin, Ireland.

The workshops will run from 09.30 until around 17.00 on each day.


Standard rate:

£150 per participant  + VAT

(An early bird discount of 10% applies if you book by 13th June. Further reductions are available if you book more than one participant. See the booking tabs opposite.)

Discounted rates:

£90 + VAT for not-for-profits or Academic institutions.

£75 + VAT for existing OpenNMS support customers.

Presenters / Facilitators:

Markus Neumann – OpenNMS Europe

Markus has had extensive experience deploying OpenNMS in customers in Germany and around Europe. He is also a committer to the OpenNMS project.

Dr Craig Gallen Eng.D, MBA, MIET C.Eng  – OpenNMS UK

Craig researched his doctorate looking at the use of Open Source within the operational support environment. He has had extensive experience in designing and integrating full suits of Operational Support Systems against a variety of network technologies. He is a committer to the OpenNMS project.

London Workshop Monday 30 June 2014

Location: Room 2A University of London Union, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HY (

Eventbrite - OpenNMS Workshop Summer 2014 London

Birmingham Tuesday 1st July 2014

IET Aston Court, 80 Cambridge Street, Birmingham, B1 2NP, (

Eventbrite - OpenNMS Workshop Summer 2014 Birmingham

Rochdale (near Manchester) Wednesday 2nd July 2014

Zen Interent Ltd. Sandbrook Park, Sandbrook Way, Rochdale, OL11 1RY, (

Eventbrite - OpenNMS Workshop Summer 2014 Rochdale (near Manchester)

Dublin Thursday 3rd July 2014


Airspeed,15 Magna Drive Magna Business Park City West Dublin 24 (Map:

Eventbrite - OpenNMS Workshop Summer 2014 Dublin

Glasgow Friday 4th July 2014

IET Glasgow: Teacher Building, 14 St Enoch Square, Glasgow, G1 4DB, (

Eventbrite - OpenNMS Workshop Summer 2014 Glasgow

Workshop Overview

If you last looked at OpenNMS a few years ago, you might be surprised to learn how it has grown into a truly scalable operational support system which is now used in some of the most demanding environments around the world – a fact which is truly remarkable for a ‘free’ Open source product. The OpenNMS we all know and love is rapidly developing new features and capabilities, so much so that it is hard for the average user to keep up. We wanted to give you the chance to see for yourself the new or nearly complete features and help you think through how you could use them in your operations environment.

Although OpenNMS can be deployed ‘out of the box’ very quickly, customising it to best compliment your business processes is a more demanding task. In this workshop we want to introduce ‘Newbies’ to the latest capabilities of OpenNMS and also help ‘Old Hands’ to think of new ways of using their system. We are trying to pitch the workshop at a level suitable for evaluators, managers,  end users and systems administrators in order to encourage holistic thinking about how the business can best be served by an OpenNMS deployment.

Using a representative scenario of launching a new managed service, we will walk through the steps a business might go through to begin using OpenNMS for the first time to manage the new service. By doing so we hope to cover the following topics;

The Business – How OpenNMS can improve customer satisfaction and reduce the bottom line. Looking at the key benefits of OpenNMS and what it means for an organisation to effectively deploy a system.

Key New Features – Looking at some of the latest features in OpenNMS 12.6 and helping you think through how they can be deployed against a new service.

Unfinished works – Looking to the future, and hot on the heels of this years OpenNMS developers conference, we will  give UK users some insights into the OpenNMS roadmap looking at new features just introduced or nearing feature completion.