Monthly Archives: April 2014

OpenNMS Pmatrix – making a NOC more like a Trading Floor

The attached video is a repeat of a talk given by Dr Craig Gallen at the OUCE 2014 OpenNMS user conference suggesting that future Network Operations Centres (NOCs) will become more like Commodity Trading Desks.

In the future network, compute and storage infrastructure will all be virtualised and offered through ‘Cloud Services’. We expect that a market in trade-able cloud ICT resources will emerge and that the pressure to optimise the utilisation of large data centres will greatly increase. In this talk we will discuss the future trends and look at options for making OpenNMS a key component to help with ‘sweating the assets’ of a cloud service provider. We also present an early attempt to address this problem, the OpenNMS Pmatrix display, created in partnership with TMX Atrium, a leading low latency venue-neutral infrastructure provider for financial services participants in Europe and North America.

New OpenNMS UK site published

So the latest new is … that there is now a site to host some news :)

Welcome to the new OpenNMS UK and Ireland web site.  This is a place where we will post events, training and other intersting snippets of relevance to the OpenNMS community based in the UK and Ireland.

(I was wondering whether we can still call it the UK – but that will be decided by our Scottish friends in a few months.)


Great OpenNMS User Conference

Well the 2014 OpenNMS User Conference is now over (sigh). 

I think it went remarkably smoothly considering it was the first item we had hosted it in Southampton. Any feedback on the venue and choices of venue for next year would be appreciated.

Thanks  to everyone who attended and made such interesting contributions.  The program was recorded and the talks and slides will be available on the OpenNMS Foundation Europe site

 Thanks are especially due to Markus Neumann and Ronnie Tromner who put such sterling efforts into arranging the program, taking the bookings and handling the finances.

Here’s a photograph of some of us on the boat trip –  looking very relieved it was all over :)

On the boat

Natilie Roseblade

We were very lucky to get Natilie Rosblade to sing for us during the Conference meal. It was lovely to have some female input into what turned out to be an  all male event ( can we get some ladies into the OpenNMS community?). I received nothing but compliments for her. So for those who missed it, here is some more…